Get High on Google: The Foundation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Keyword Use

The Most Effective Way to Use Your High-Value Keywords in Online Content to Rank Higher in Google
Improving search visibility starts with keyword research.
Getting Started with SEO
Determine the keywords most likely to be used by prospective customers and then write your content using those keywords.
Begin optimizing each piece of content by selecting two or three highly targeted keyword phrases to weave into each page. In some cases, depending on the length of the article or page, you may only be able to use a single keyword theme such as “search optimization”.
- Use variations and modifiers of the primary keyword.
- Focus on including longer keyword phrases within your content; use “credit card fraud prevention” as it will also help in ranking for the phrase “fraud prevention”.
- Do not repeat search terms excessively, but use them in a natural manner. Replace marketing jargon with keywords that prospects would use in normal spoken conversation.
- Don’t limit your keyword use to excessively broad or general keywords: there are too many competing web pages that use those words.
Title Tag
(AKA “title attributes tag” – this title is not visible on the page but appears in the search engine results page)
- Create descriptive, relevant titles to help Google understand the theme of the page.
- Every page should have a unique Title tag containing about five to eight words.
- Keep PDF titles to 65 characters and other web content to less than 72 characters (including spaces).
- Capitalize the first letter of each word.
- The Title should contain one to two of the keywords that appear on that individual page and the keywords should be toward the beginning of the sentence where possible.
- It’s not necessary to use your company name in the Title tag as your name is referenced throughout the site’s content and in the file name
→ Use our Google Title & Description Testing Tool
Learn The Most Effective Way to Use Your High-Value Keywords in Online Content to Rank Higher Share on XMeta Description Tag
- The Meta Description tag should be approximately 25 words and include the most important keywords used on that page. If the page focuses on 2 keyword phrases, write one sentence focuses on each keyword.
→ Use our Google Title & Description Testing Tool
Emphasizing Keywords in Body Content
- Use clear page headings and sub-headings that contain the keywords used on that page so that the search engine can identify a theme. This applies to the headings of web content, videos, white papers, press releases, webinars, tweets and other social media content.
- Use the keywords for that page toward the beginning of the page.
- Code properly with H1 as the main page heading, then H2 as the next sub-heading and H3 as the sub-sub-heading. Don’t overuse <H> tags.
- Include the keywords used on that page in the file name separated by dashes. When linking to another page on your site, use the keywords in the link text that apply to that linked-to content.
- Keywords are not case sensitive and search engine ignore punctuation.
Rosemary Brisco
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