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Search Marketing Toolkit | Free Search Engine Optimization Tools

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Keyword Research Tools

Free Service

Google Ads: Use Google’s paid advertising platform for keyword research.

Google Search Console: The most accurate tool for website owners to identify keywords driving visitors. ★★★★

Find Keywords on Any Page: Use this free keyword tag cloud tool on a page to see the prominent keywords. ★★★★

Advanced Web Ranking – great for tracking keyword rankings for your own site and competitors. ★★★★

Synonym Finder: Find related phrases for keyword research.

Google Trends: Identify related phrases and their search volume.

Merge Words: Great for creating lists of long-tail keywords.

Paid Service

SEMRush: A competitor research tool for keywords and rankings.

aHrefs: In addition to keyword research, they have lots of tools and publish great data.

Wordtracker’s database of 3.5 billion searches per month, is completely independent of Google’s data.

MOZ Keyword Difficulty Tool is part of an excellent Pro tool suite.

Raven Tools: Keyword data plus a full suite of tools.

A/B Testing, User Testing and Conversion Optimization Tools (CRO)

Free Service

Google Optimize: Optimize is free and integrates with Google Analytics.

Paid Service (many have free trials)

CrazyEgg: great for helping clients visualize user engagement.★★★★

Optimizely: A/B testing and Conversion Rate Optimization

Visual Website Optimizer allows you to run A/B tests with a simple online editor that lets you test content without knowing code.

Lookback – Easy to use user testing platform. (we use it ourselves) ★★★★

Website Management Tools

Free Service

Robots.txt Checker: This robots.txt checker is a “validator” that analyzes the syntax of a robots.txt file to see if its format is valid as established by Robot Exclusion Standard or if it contains errors.

Wayback Machine: Historical view of web pages. ★★★★

HTML Validation

Paid Service

Screaming Frog SEO Spider: A tool we use all the time to monitor what search crawlers see on a website. ★★★★

Copyright Violations

Free Service finds web pages containing your content.


We make content audits painless

Large websites tend to grow messy and inefficient over time. Outdated or low-quality quality content rarely gets any visibility and not only adds bloat to your site, but negatively affects your UX and SEO success.

So, if you haven’t done it before, it’s time to conduct a content audit to identify these ghost town pages, and then, revise or remove them.

It's content inventory time - start your own audit!

Content Inventory & Audit » Step-by-Step Guide to Running Your 1st Audit

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